Both characters from the movie ghost chasing each other on highjacked plains. The good guy who died was chasing after his killer.
This dream can potentially symbolize unresolved conflicts or unfinished business in your waking life. The presence of characters from the movie "Ghost" suggests a connection to themes of love, loss, and the afterlife. The fact that the good guy who died is chasing after his killer may suggest a desire for justice or closure regarding a personal conflict or betrayal.
Metaphorically, the hijacked planes can represent a sense of danger, chaos, or a loss of control. This could suggest that the situation you are dreaming about has the potential to escalate and become volatile if not addressed. It may be important for you to confront this conflict or seek resolution to bring a sense of peace and closure in your waking life.
Overall, this dream seems to reflect your subconscious need to address any unresolved conflicts or confrontations. It could be beneficial to reflect on any relevant situations in your life, consider the emotions they evoke and take appropriate action to bring about resolution and closure.